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IN ZIMBABWE: Opposition Leader Calls For Resignation Of Defiant Mugabe

The leader of Zimbabwe’s opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Morgan Tsvangirai has called on President Robert Mugabe to step down from power in the interest of the country after the military seized power in an apparent coup.

Reading from a statement at a news conference, Tsvangirai said; “In the interest of the people, Mr. Robert Mugabe must resign and step down immediately”.

However, reports say Mugabe is resisting calls to step down insisting he remains Zimbabwe’s only legitimate ruler and has turned down mediation by a Catholic priest to allow him a graceful exit from powerThere has also been no official word on the outcome of a meeting with the army chief Gen Constantino Chiwenga and the two envoys from the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) at State House in Harare.

The army moved in after Mr Mugabe last week sacked Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa, signalling that he favoured his wife Grace Mugabe to take over his Zanu-PF party and thus the presidency.

There is palpable fear in the country as Zimbabwe is on the knife edge after the military confirmed that it had seized power in a targeted assault on “criminals” around 93-year-old Mugabe.

It is also still not yet clear whether the apparent military coup will bring and end to the rule of Mugabe but sources say the main goal of the generals appeared to be preventing Mugabe’s wife Grace from succeeding him.

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